Upcoming Rabbis & Pastors Symposium

The Broward Pastors Network &
Jewish Federation of Broward County


Dr. Brad Young
ORU Professor
Dr. Shlomo Riskin
Chief Rabbi of Efrat

Jewish and Christian
Reflections on Worship

Thursday, January 15, 2015


9-12pm Morning session:
Hearing the Voice of God in Prayer
12-1pm Lunch
1-3pm Afternoon sessions:
Meaning of God’s Spirit in Tanach

David Posnack Jewish Community Center
5850 South Pine Island Road
Davie, Florida 33328

Bio Highlights

Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin
Founding Rabbi of Lincoln Square Synagogue in New York; Chancellor and Rosh Yeshiva of Ohr Torah Stone Institutions; CJCUC Founder; & Author of Torah Lights (five volume series on the Torah), and Listening to God

Dr. Brad Young – Professor of Biblical Literture in Judaic/Christian Studies at Oral Roberts University; Founder and President of the Gospel Research Foundation; & Author of Jesus the Jewish Theologian, The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation; & Paul the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles.

RSVP by January 8th to Julie Flansbaum [email protected] or 954-252-6925


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